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Château La Bouade & Clos Mercier

12 Mar

It is with great pleasure that I present this week the Château La Bouade (AOC Sauternes).
Beautiful 20-acre property, owned by the family since 1914 Pauly, the management was entrusted in 2009 to two dynamic winemakers: Stéphane Wagrez and Olivier Fargues. The first is the wine while the second deals with vines.

Despite its name Sauternes, Château La BOUADE is a property located in Barsac, with a plot of the Haut-Barsac.
What they want by creating their own wine? The aromas, the balance in the mouth and finesse. But also the wine that is fun to drink for all occasions.
The passion for wine after the “botrytis cinerea”, the freedom to work in the vineyards, adaptation to a local, pass on their love of their job to the men who work on the wine.

Some features:
– Variety: 80% semillon, 15% Sauvignon, 5% Muscadelle
– Soil: Barsac: gravelly sand and silty limestone (giving the mineralization, the freshness of the wine). Haut-Barsac terroir : red sand, pebbles, limestone basement
– The property produces three wines: vintage “Coccinelle” ( = Ladybird) , AOC Sauternes: 100% semillon, the Clos Mercier (Barsac AOC): 1 / 3 of semillon, 1 / 3 of sauvignon, 1 / 3 of Muscadelle, and the Château La Bouade (Sauternes): 60% Semillon, 40% Sauvignon

Having had a heart for this property I can’t bring myself to give you one anecdote

Where does the name of Château La BOUADE come from? Simply of “the bovade.” But what is the bovade? A medieval chore had to pay the tenant. He had to carry the harvest of the Lord with his oxen. Hence also the logo of the Castle.

I guess like me, you already see the movie The Fabulous Destiny of Amelie Poulain (French movie)? Yes? Remember postcards of garden gnome travel … and imagine that two young winemakers have had the idea of a remake of the journey of the dwarf …. But by a Ladybug traveled … specifically sleeping off a bottle of Sauternes Ladybug!

Now for the wine tasting  … wineS … all vintage 2009

– Fine aromas of white flowers, smooth on the palate, fruity, balance and freshness is what characterizes the vintage “Coccinelle” (my favorite heart).

– For the Château La Bouade the sweetness, notes of citrus fruit, especially grapefruit will amaze your palate

– The Clos Mercier will amaze your senses with notes of spices, and honey … ending with a subtle touch of acidity ….

Like Stephane and Olivier, I advise you to combine the fruits of their passion with Asian dishes such as sushi or Japanese maki … Or simply with good Basque cheese 🙂
Amateur or novice please go see them!

The new website is available:

Thanks to Stephane and Olivier for their friendly hospitality.

Château La Bouade
Road D1113 between Cérons city and Barsac city
+33 (0)

Google Map


Château Filhot

12 Mar

GRANDIOSE, huge, majestic, romantic! These are first words that came to mind when arriving at the Chateau Filhot!

Well! I prefer to directly prevent my male readers: If you go with your dear and loving you expect tohear “Honey, I want to get married here! It’s magic! “….

Let me explain:
As part of the club of large estates in Bordeaux, Chateau Filhot (Second Cru Sauternes) extends over 350 hectares (that is huge!) Including 62 hectares of vines. The rest is divided between areas of forest, lake landscaped plots of acacia trees and a beautiful English park landscape of the famous Fisher.

Side story: The vineyard was established in 1709 by Romain Filhot (making it one of the oldest in the Sauternes). The Castle, it was the first time by batiune Filhot then redesigned and enlarged twice (1870 and 1880) by the family of Lur-Saluces.
Filhot family property until 1789. With the French Revolution the castle changed hands being recovered by the Lur-Saluces through a marriage course. At the end of the 19th century the castle was often used for receptions and organized hunts.

Since then, the castle remained family property (not the same branch), passed on from generation to generation. Today is Gabriel de Vaucelles which manages the vineyard.

Filhot was one of the pioneers of the wines of Sauternes.

Indeed, until the 17th century the wines produced in the region were dry white label “wine of Langon.” Responding to the request of the merchants in northern Europe, the family of Lur-Saluces inspired German and Hungarian dessert wines for their production. Thus passed the wines gradually “dry white” to “soft” and “sweet” giving rise to the name “Sauternes”.

The growth of Sauternes wines is due to several factors: the purchase by the Russian court, the boycott by some dealers of sweet wines in northern Europe (policy issue), but also by the visit of American President Jefferson who fell in love with Sauternes and took the opportunity to redo the basement of the White House.

Historically, every major event in the region take place Filhot (eg the “raisin d’or event”)

Rated wine:

–          Faithful to the style “Filhot” set in the 19th century, every year what is sought is the freshness, the fruit and lightness. To avoid toasted side, production is a year in casks.

–          The wine is composed of 60% Semillon, Sauvignon 36%, 4% Muscadelle.

–          Four wines are produced: Château Filhot (Sauternes), Château Pineau du Rey (2nd wine), a smaller and a dry white Sauternes.

As for the story … it will be very hard to give one!

The story, the twists and turns of this castle are so numerous that it is difficult to select one. So I’ll give you two, and advise you to visit the Castle.

You will be greeted by the owner, passionate about his job, not his property, and during the visit will be able to count the miles and a history of the Castle, without ever tiring.

Back on topic (stories): The concept of Vinexpo is, perhaps, born at the Chateau Filhot in 1970 with the organization by Louis de Lacarelle (Chateau Lacarelle) the exhibition “Expo Vine.”

In 2005 the fashion designer Kenzo Takada, a great lover of Sauternes, suggested to the family of Vaucelles to design the label of the 2005 vintage.

Moving to the “Bordeaux Wines” tasting (vintage 2009): Note passion fruit, apricot, a perfect balance between fruit, acidity and sugar. Here is what characterizes this nectar!

Tip: Get out of the picture Sauternes = bold faith and drink it with/accompany chicken;)

The new website is available:

A next week

Thanks to Gabriel de Vaucelles hosts.


Chateau Filhot
33210 Sauterne
+33 0()5 56 76 61 09

Château Roumieu

6 Mar

Welcome to Basarc! And specifically, welcome to the Chateau Roumieu (Sauternes)

The Castle Roumieu is a family property from the 18th century, located on the plateau of high Barsac.

The main building was built by the architect Fargeaudoux, known for having greatly contributed to the construction of the city of Winters Arcachon. It includes also elements such as openings to the outside, a red color, assemblies of artisticly cut stone…. In some ways it would be close to a large Basque house …. All that to say that the unique architecture of Roumieu is worth to take a look, so please come and see it, you will not find something alike.

Perfect example of the arrival of the new generation in the properties of Barsac, Carine and Vincent Craveia, two fans of their land, two lovers in their profession as winemakers, took over the family estate in 2008. Not hesitating to leave the stability of their work situations to work in the family vineyard (evident after their younger years).

“A property is a terrain first. Each lot expresses its own particular characteristics. “Working here is how this young dynamic couple …. respecting the particularities of each lot in order to get the best of it. Whether acidity, fruit, sugar concentration, or other …
What they are looking at each vintage? To perpetuate the family vineyard signature “power and elegance” but also “in the end it gives an instant break, of pleasure to people while they are having fun.”

Let´s go to the heart of the Castle: the winery! How big was my surprise to see barrels of 600 liters (as in Alsace), in the enter. Well tell me, “This is great, but what’s the point / usefulness for wines of Barsac-Sauternes? “… Answer. Store aromatic expressions of interest from the beginning of the implementation barrel. The large barrels to reduce aging aromatic wine to retain some “fresh” flavor.

The “Bordeaux wines” anecdote: but where does the name “Roumieu” come from? “Simply” (a way to speak) of the Gascon words “Roumi,” name given by the Saracens to the early pilgrims of Saint James of Compostella. Yes! Roumieu is on the way to St James de Compostela (stage stop, rest from the 15th century) … That is what justifies the shell as the castle of Saint Jacques ´ logo.

Go! The abuse of anecdote is not hazardous to health, I re-use it in a glass. From its begining, (over 200 years!), The property has been always transmitted by women …. (Should I yell to feminism?!;))

Some features:
– Area: 15 hectares
– Variety: 89% Sémillon, 10% Sauvignon and 1% Muscadelle
– Soil: clay and limestone (hence acidity), a layer of red earth (red sand)
– Ageing: minimum 18 months in barrels
– Other: NO yeast is used.
– The castle does not produce a second kind of wine, preferring to focus on the work of the quality of a single wine …. However there are several tanks.

Well, Let´s move to one of my favorite parts of the interview: the tasting;)
Notes of citrus, grapefruit, lychee and spice notes on the finish …. Voila … the magic sweet magic of the 2002 vintage … nectar.

Personally, although I grant (LET’S BE ORIGINAL!) With a foil or THAI or  just  chicken ….
In any case feel free to leave stereotypes Sauternes tasting, you will not be disappointed.

The new website is available:

Thanks to Mr and Mrs Craveia


Château Roumieu
33720 Barsac
facebook: chateau Roumieu

05 56 27 21 01

Château Rabaud-Promis

28 Feb

This week I decided to show you a Sauternes (yum), specifically the Chateau Rabaud-Promis (Sauternes Premier Cru Classé).

Beautiful property of the eighteenth century spanning 30 hectares, was built by the architect Victor Louis (he is known to have built many castles, and the Grand Théâtre de Bordeaux). As for the vineyard, it was established in 1660 with Marie Peyronne of Rabaud.

The history of the Château Rabaud-Promis is closely related to neighboring vineyard, Sigalas-Rabaud (see story).

Because of the Open Days in Sauternes I was able to meet the current owner: Thomas Dejean (Château Rabaud-Promis).

In 1951 the family acquired the property Dejean. Thomas belongs to the 9th generation of his family to work in the vineyard, and it benefits from all the knowledge / experience of his parents.

Simple, passionate, and lover of his land. This is the way to describe the man with the source of this “liquid gold” which is the Château Rabaud-Promis.

How does he describes his work / passion? “As a work of a whole year. Every year the same thing but at the same time different. ” Indeed, every year the same process, the same wine, but every year a different weather, a botrytis cinerea (noble rot of Sauternes at the base), various fruits and nectar, and thus distinct to each vintage.

What is he looking when he produces his wine? ” Pleasure before anyhting else, I must have fun when I do it, and that everybody have pleasure in drinking it.” This is a wine  that is not overly loaded with sugar. It should not overpower the taste buds. Has to have a  balance between sugar, acidity and alcohol.

Local side:

– Soil: Clay Graves.

– Variety: 80% Sémillon, 18% Sauvignon, Muscadelle 2%.

– Ageing: 18 to 24 months in the barrel.

The story of the day: The Story of Castles Rabaud-Promis and Sigalas Rabaud are closely related. In 1864, the castle changes  its ownership, Henri de Sigalas Drouillet acquire the area. It was in 1903 that the separation of the two vineyard properties took place. Half the field was assigned to Adrien Promis. From then on, there are two “Rabaud.” But the story does not end there!  The Castles were together again, but  was only only two years (1948 and 1949).

Now for the tasting. It was not a big sacrifice to have a glass of this wine:  aromas of white peach, pear, apricot but also the acidity (due to the ground) is what characterizes the 2007 vintage.

A little advice for tasting : don’t just of traditional “foi gras” … Dare a bold white meat, the Saint Jacques or recipe-based county

Thanks to Thomas Dejean for his warm welcome.

The new website is available:


Château Rabaud-Promis

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